Author: Julia Nickel

I am a Jesus follower wanting to share the unexpected, impossible for me hope I have.


It is the day before tomorrow. Tomorrow could bring the end of all things. So, today we must live. Today, before tomorrow begins. Because this day, right here, right now, is everything. It is all we have. Hold it close.

Two Thousand Twenty Three

Two Thousand Twenty Three

Today is the second day of 2023.  It is the only second day of 2023 you and I will ever have.  Here is a question to ponder as we begin this first week- What does hope mean to you?



“Your righteousness is righteous forever.” Psalm 119:142a Forever is a good word. It’s a word you can depend on. It’s always and unceasing. I like it. Our Father in heaven is forever. He is unchanging in His love and mercy, justice and strength. He is faithful and good. Forever. When I see ugly, hurtful things …

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It’s a new day, but I feel stuck in yesterday and pulled towards tomorrow. My thoughts have been on “current events” that have been troubling me or on what “current events’ may happen tomorrow or next week or… I have been so focused on things outside of my control that I have lost my focus …

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“So, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away, everything has become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 Last night, I found myself thinking about my lack of enthusiasm. Apathy may be the better word. I’ve been depressed and discouraged. And when I’m feeling this way, the self-talk starts. That …

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Some mornings you get an unexpected gift. A gift that comes in the middle of anger and violence, racial and political division, discouragement, and even hopelessness. A gift that reminds me/us that the Creator of the universe is life-giving, beauty-producing, and most of all Love.



I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!” Psalm 91:2 ESV I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the anxiety of not knowing when everything will be upended again. Through 2020, 2021, and even now this unpredictability has almost become predictable. I’m also …

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I need to take a moment. I cannot write a blog about hope and not acknowledge the times in which we are living. Yes, there is still hope in the middle of COVID-19 and there are also many who are afraid, feeling lost, and overwhelmed. People are searching for something solid and unchanging. We all …

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