

“So, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away, everything has become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Last night, I found myself thinking about my lack of enthusiasm. Apathy may be the better word. I’ve been depressed and discouraged. And when I’m feeling this way, the self-talk starts. That little voice has been telling me that that ‘apathetic, lazy, and fearful’ is who I am. It has always been who I am. It always will be. People like me, Can’t.

Soon after the pandemic started, I was on fire for God. Every morning I prayed earnestly, looking for what God was doing and how I could join Him. I checked on my neighbors, meeting some for the first time. I posted encouraging words on Facebook and on a neighborhood website. I drew pictures and scripture on my garage door, which is against HOA rules, but it started a lot of conversations. I started this blog.  Like I said, I was on fire.

But then, I stopped. I’m not sure why or even when it happened, but it happened. I slowly withdrew. I started watching tv instead of going outside, texting again instead of talking on the phone, staring out the window at my bug-eaten garden instead of reading my Bible, and talking to myself. Worse, I started listening to myself, instead of God. I started to believe again that I Can’t.

I can’t be social in person or on the phone. I can’t put my faith out there. I can’t write a blog. And I surely can’t pray and expect God to answer.

Then there was this verse. “Everything old has passed away.” I remembered who I really am. I may have slipped back into my old thinking and my old beliefs about myself, but that is old. Old me may whisper lies from the grave, but that woman is dead.

The truth is that I am new.  The minute I opened up and talked to Jesus and let Him into my heart, I was new. The new me knows the truth. The truth is I CAN get fired up again. I CAN talk to people and let them see my faith. I CAN write a blog. I CAN pray with all of my heart and I CAN listen. I know God will answer.

Today, I started with prayer. In whatever way He chooses, God will answer. I am getting out of the house today. I will at least wave at my neighbors. I will post favorite verses on Facebook. I’ll start writing for my blog again.

The old may try to get my attention, in fact, I’m sure it will. But I’m going to listen to Jesus.

Today I can.

If I can, I believe you can, too!

Everything is new…

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