

I need to take a moment.

I cannot write a blog about hope and not acknowledge the times in which we are living.

Yes, there is still hope in the middle of COVID-19 and there are also many who are afraid, feeling lost, and overwhelmed. People are searching for something solid and unchanging. We all want something known in a world that is completely unknown and changing by the day. This overwhelming fear and need for something dependable is also the reason I must write this blog…now.

I have felt God nudging me to write about what He has taught me about Himself and about the first hope I have ever had. He has nudged for months and I have procrastinated. If there is one thing I learned at the beginning of this pandemic it is that procrastination costs. It costs in regret and in the consequences of choices that do not always come with a second chance.

This blog will not be perfect grammatically, which is painful for a perfectionist like me. It may not express the things I want as clearly as I want them expressed. Again, painful. But this blog is not about me. So, I will continue writing about hope with all intentions of listening to God’s nudgings. I have faith that my inabilities and weaknesses will not be a barrier to what God wants to be said. I know that, God’s “power shows itself most effectively in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9a AMP)

I do not want to continue making choices that don’t come with a second chance. So, here we go.

The pause was needed and now is done.

God Is here. God is Known. God never changes.