

It’s a new day, but I feel stuck in yesterday and pulled towards tomorrow. My thoughts have been on “current events” that have been troubling me or on what “current events’ may happen tomorrow or next week or… I have been so focused on things outside of my control that I have lost my focus on God. Without God, hope has been incredibly distant.

This is me being honest, painfully so. It’s the reason you haven’t heard from me in a while. I can’t remember when I last felt hope. How can I write about hope when I can’t see it?            

I have noticed a change in my attitude, so this morning I decided to start the day with a different approach. I decided to list the things I’m looking forward to. I often do this with my daughter. The goal is to go into the day with an attitude of anticipation for the good that’s going to happen. Of course, I couldn’t talk it out. I’m a writer, I had to write.

Today I am looking forward to:

-My daughter’s morning hug.

-My puppy’s pure joy at seeing me come around the corner first thing in the morning.

-Our older dog’s barely controlled excitement when I get his ball out for his morning playtime.

-The taste of my cereal with berries and nuts.

 -“I love you, mom” after prayer and the lights go out.                                                                                            

I sat with pen in hand ready to continue my list. I searched through my mind trying to think of something else. Anything. But there was nothing. What about the time in between morning hugs and “I love you, mom?”

That’s when I saw it.  I have lost my today. All that middle stuff isn’t just there to fill a day. This is the stuff that will fill my evening prayers with thankfulness, if I pay attention.

I clearly need to make a change. It’s true that the voices of division, disunity, and hatred are loud. I’m not going to lie, it is hard to ignore them. But I don’t believe those voices are the voice of the many. They certainly aren’t the voice of God and they do not need to have authority over my thoughts.

The truth is that there is life. Here. Today. Right in front of me.

There is good…Here.

There is hope… Here.

There always has been. I just haven’t been paying attention.

Today I have decided I am going to do today. I’m leaving yesterday behind and waiting until tomorrow shows up. I am going to listen for God’s voice. I’m going to watch for what He’s doing.

Tonight, I will pray with thankfulness, even though I don’t know what for yet.

Tomorrow, I will have a longer list. I’m going to focus on Hope and then I’m going to share that with you.

Now it’s your turn-

What are you looking forward to?

What will you thank God for tonight?

I’m praying you have a good, full, wonder-filled day!